Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Gun control

I dont think it is right for congress to make gun control laws. i think that all these laws that are being invented by congress are not right. Some of these laws do not make sence its just another way for the government to make the public feel safe. Real safety to me is having a gun so you can defend yourself when you are a victem of a criminal act by a person that could have a weapon.
There have been some senseless crimes that have been commited with the help of guns like the famouse columbine incident. Having no guns in the world might have prevented that but most likely the person that did that could have easily used knifes, blow darts whatever to accomplish his crime. My point is that a wepon is not what kills is the person handling the wepon that is the true killer. A wepon can be anything like a moving car that has been used in the past to kill people. I do not see crongress trying to outlaw cars.